◎ HP TippingPoint 1400N 初期化済
hp TippingPoint 1400N 商品構成 HP Tipping Point 1400N
商品状態 ************************************
Booting XLR from Flash
=======> Starting spd <=========================================================================================
TippingPoint Technologies, Build: 53.0
Compiled on Mon Mar 19 15:38:46 MST 2012 by builder@TPBuild1.austin.hp.com================================================================================
----- Configuring DRAM Channel 0 -----
Memory channel operating at 666 MHz data rate.
Amount of memory available on channel 0: 4096 MB----- Configuring DRAM Channel 2 -----
Amount of memory available on channel 2: 0 MB
Please wait for ECC setup.Enter "TEST" to run Memory Test.Booting from DRAM
Detected CPU Rev B2 [Revision ID 0x4]
Detected CPU XLR308 [CPU ID 0x6]
CPU Frequency = 1000.000000MHz
Total Available Ram = 0x3f00000, Total Heap Size = 0x3d87400, stackbase = 0x8c1fdfc0
All 8 cpus successfully started
HSCFC Image: 0x2C
HSCFC Product Version: 0x0
Boot: Hardware watchdog has not triggered.
Boot: ACTIVE is selected.
Initializing disk controllers...
Found SYSTEMF_1 disk
Firmware: 20091110 Serial#: 20101220055A408B408B
Capacity: 1953.9 MB = 1.9 GB (4001760 x 512)** Communication error **
Locking down commands
ZFCP Version:4
ZFCP Misc Status/Control Register: 0x88Booting in 5 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 4 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 3 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 2 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 1 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...
Inflating image:................................................CompletePrepared Segment Map for Kseg0 Mode.
Is Segment Shared ==> 1
P_Vaddr 0x80300000, P_paddr 0x80300000, MemSz 0x1700000, FileSz 0x12f36d4, Align 0x1000
xlr_lib_copy_image_32 i=0
cpu_online_map=ff, userapp_cpu_map ff
psb_os_active_mask=0, psb_os_mask=0
boot1_info: userapp_cpu_map=ff, psb_os_cpu_map=0
cpu_online_map = 0xff
Jumping to the application... 0x80300000
ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 0 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 1 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 2 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 3 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 4 Initializing PCIPCI - MEM=0xd0000000 size=256MB HT - MEM=0x0 size=0MB
PCI - IO=0x10000000 size=64MB HT - IO=0x0 size=0MB
PCI - CFG=0x18000000 HT - CFG=0x0
Configure tlb virtaddr=0xffffffffd0000000 size:=0x8000000
End bus: PCI=255 HT=0
Target Name: vxTarget
Initializing MIB2 interfaces
Initializing MIB2 IPv6 interfaces
Attaching interface lo0... done
xlrMacInit for mac device 0
GMAC0 phy addr is 0x15
pde bucket_map = 10
Bucket[0] = 4
xlrMacInit for mac device 1
pde bucket_map = 10
xlrMacInit for mac device 2
pde bucket_map = 10
Attached IPv4 interface to xlr unit 0
Attached IPv6 interface to xlr unit 0
devName: xlr, addr:
net.inet.udp.blackhole: 0 -> 1
net.inet.tcp.blackhole: 0 -> 1Adding 43582 symbols for standalone.
CPU: Raza Microelectronics Initialize Memory.......................[OK]
Add reboot hooks........................[OK]
Start CPU Resource Monitoring...........[OK]
Initialize System Clock.................[OK] 2021-08-19 01:28:14 [UTC]
Set Boot Time...........................[OK]
CPU Speed...............................[OK] 999 MHz
Identify Host Type......................[OK] Z1M
Identify HW.............................[OK] 5 bcom
ataXbdDevCreate: ERROR- Device 0 on Controller 0 not installed
Initialize LCD Panel....................[OK]
Mount File System.......................[OK]
Mount Removable File System.............[OK]
Initialize IPC..........................[OK]
Initialize Paths........................[OK]
Read Configuration Files................[OK]
Apply Task Environment..................[OK]
Apply LCD Environment...................[OK]
Create /ramLog..........................Formatting /ramLog for DOSFS
Create /ramTmp..........................Formatting /ramTmp for DOSFS
Initialize System Log...................[OK]
Initialize Audit log....................[OK]
Initialize Security.....................[OK]
Initialize License Manager..............[OK]
Initialize Update subsystem.............[OK]
Install DV..............................[OK]
Create /ramRO...........................Formatting /ramRO for DOSFS
Load RAM Disk...........................[OK]
Preparing SSL certificates..............[OK]
Set Memory Protection...................[OK] 0xb7cf5740
Performing Host/Model Checks............[OK] Software chassis
Initialize Board Flash..................[OK]
Locking down bootloader commands
Bootloader lock already set
Initialize Network Processor............[OK]
HW Descriptor...........................[OK] 78:ac:c0:ef:7a:e4
Ungraceful shutdown.
Read TOS metadata.......................[OK] ver=
Read DV metadata........................[OK] ver=
Initialize Block Log....................[OK]
Initialize Alert Log....................[OK]
Initialize Quarantine Log...............[OK]
Initialize Keys.........................[OK]
Initialize SNMP.........................[OK]
Initialize Email........................[OK]
Initialize Remote Syslog................[OK]
Validating Certificate..................[OK]_____ ____ _
|_ _|_ _ ___ ___ _ __ __ _|_ ____ _ __ | |_
| | | | "_ | "_ | | "_ / _` | |_) / _ | | "_ | __|
| | | | |_) | |_) | | | | | (_| |__/ (_) | | | | | |_
|_| |_| .__/| .__/|_|_| |_|__, |_| ___/|_|_| |_|__|
|_| |_||___/Technologies, Inc.TippingPoint - Austin, Texas, USA - www.tippingpoint.com
TOS Version : Jan 30 2015, 15:45:40
Digital Vaccine : : 1400N-50R1-6035
Hardware Rev: ALoading
There are three security levels for specifying user names and passwords:
Level 0: User names and passwords are unrestricted (not allowed in FIPS mode).
Level 1: Names must be at least 6 characters long; passwords at least 8.
Level 2: In addition to level 1 restrictions, passwords must contain:
- at least 2 alpha characters
- at least 1 numeric character
- at least 1 non-alphanumeric characterPlease specify a security level to be used for initial super-user name
and password creation.As super-user, you can modify the security level
later on via Command Line Interface (CLI) or Local Security Manager (LSM).Security level [2]:
Please enter a user name that we will use to create your super-user
account.Spaces are not allowed.Name: kiyoshi
Do you wish to accept [kiyoshi] <Y,[N]>:YPlease enter your super-user account password:
Verify password:
Saving information ...Done............
Host Name: blips01
Login: kys kiyoshi
blips01# show version
Serial: 1400N-50R1-6035
Software: Date: "Jan 30 2015, 15:45:40" Production
Digital Vaccine:
ReputationDV: N/A
Model: 1400N
Host Board: Z1M
Rev: ASystem Boot Time: 2021-08-19 10:28:14 JST
Uptime is 5 minutes, 35 secondsblips01#
blips01# debug factory-resetWARNING!!!
This command WILL reset IPS to factory shipped configuration.
Removes changes to configuration & filters
Removes logs, updates, rollbacks, and user accounts.
You CANNOT recover data after this command has been issued.
IPS will automatically reboot and OBE will be displayed when finished.
Please do not power cycle until the factory reset process is complete.
Type the word "COMMIT" to continue: COMI MIT
Command accepted. Rebooting IPS and starting factory reset...
Achieved RunLevel 0Rebooting..TOS...
Booting XLR from Flash
=======> Starting spd <=========================================================================================
TippingPoint Technologies, Build: 53.0
Compiled on Mon Mar 19 15:38:46 MST 2012 by builder@TPBuild1.austin.hp.com================================================================================
----- Configuring DRAM Channel 0 -----
Memory channel operating at 666 MHz data rate.
Amount of memory available on channel 0: 4096 MB----- Configuring DRAM Channel 2 -----
Amount of memory available on channel 2: 0 MB
Please wait for ECC setup.Enter "TEST" to run Memory Test.Booting from DRAM
Detected CPU Rev B2 [Revision ID 0x4]
Detected CPU XLR308 [CPU ID 0x6]
CPU Frequency = 1000.000000MHz
Total Available Ram = 0x3f00000, Total Heap Size = 0x3d87400, stackbase = 0x8c1fdfc0
All 8 cpus successfully started
HSCFC Image: 0x2C
HSCFC Product Version: 0x0
Boot: Hardware watchdog has not triggered.
Boot: ACTIVE is selected.
Initializing disk controllers...
Found SYSTEMF_1 disk
Firmware: 20091110 Serial#: 20101220055A408B408B
Capacity: 1953.9 MB = 1.9 GB (4001760 x 512)** Communication error **
Locking down commands
ZFCP Version:4
ZFCP Misc Status/Control Register: 0x88Booting in 5 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 4 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 3 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 2 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 1 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...
Inflating image:................................................CompletePrepared Segment Map for Kseg0 Mode.
Is Segment Shared ==> 1
P_Vaddr 0x80300000, P_paddr 0x80300000, MemSz 0x1700000, FileSz 0x12f36d4, Align 0x1000
xlr_lib_copy_image_32 i=0
cpu_online_map=ff, userapp_cpu_map ff
psb_os_active_mask=0, psb_os_mask=0
boot1_info: userapp_cpu_map=ff, psb_os_cpu_map=0
cpu_online_map = 0xff
Jumping to the application... 0x80300000
ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 0 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 1 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 2 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 3 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 4 Initializing PCIPCI - MEM=0xd0000000 size=256MB HT - MEM=0x0 size=0MB
PCI - IO=0x10000000 size=64MB HT - IO=0x0 size=0MB
PCI - CFG=0x18000000 HT - CFG=0x0
Configure tlb virtaddr=0xffffffffd0000000 size:=0x8000000
End bus: PCI=255 HT=0
Target Name: vxTarget
Initializing MIB2 interfaces
Initializing MIB2 IPv6 interfaces
Attaching interface lo0... done
xlrMacInit for mac device 0
GMAC0 phy addr is 0x15
pde bucket_map = 10
Bucket[0] = 4
xlrMacInit for mac device 1
pde bucket_map = 10
xlrMacInit for mac device 2
pde bucket_map = 10
Attached IPv4 interface to xlr unit 0
Attached IPv6 interface to xlr unit 0
devName: xlr, addr:
net.inet.udp.blackhole: 0 -> 1
net.inet.tcp.blackhole: 0 -> 1Adding 43582 symbols for standalone.
CPU: Raza Microelectronics Initialize Memory.......................[OK]
Add reboot hooks........................[OK]
Start CPU Resource Monitoring...........[OK]
Initialize System Clock.................[OK] 2021-08-19 01:47:14 [UTC]
Set Boot Time...........................[OK]
CPU Speed...............................[OK] 999 MHz
Identify Host Type......................[OK] Z1M
Identify HW.............................[OK] 5 bcom
ataXbdDevCreate: ERROR- Device 0 on Controller 0 not installed
Initialize LCD Panel....................[OK]
Mount File System.......................[OK]
Mount Removable File System.............[OK]
Initialize IPC..........................[OK]
Initialize Paths........................[OK]
Read Configuration Files................[OK]
Apply Task Environment..................[OK]
Apply LCD Environment...................[OK]
Create /ramLog..........................Formatting /ramLog for DOSFS
Create /ramTmp..........................Formatting /ramTmp for DOSFS
Initialize System Log...................[OK]
Initialize Audit log....................[OK]
Initialize Security.....................[OK]
Initialize License Manager..............[OK]
Initialize Update subsystem.............[OK]
Install DV..............................[OK]
Create /ramRO...........................Formatting /ramRO for DOSFS
Load RAM Disk...........................[OK]
Preparing SSL certificates..............[OK]
Set Memory Protection...................[OK] 0xb7cf5740
Performing Host/Model Checks............[OK] Software chassis
Initialize Board Flash..................[OK]
Locking down bootloader commands
Bootloader lock already set
Initialize Network Processor............[OK]
HW Descriptor...........................[OK] 78:ac:c0:ef:7a:e4
Commit Factory Reset....................
!!!!! Warning Factory Reset in progress.Do NOT power cycle !!!!!
Device will automatically reboot when finished.Factory Reset to
Inflating ..................................................................................................................................................................................................Done
Factory Reset: Removing /system/boot/
Factory Reset: Removing /system/boot/
Factory Reset: Removing /system/boot/
Factory Reset: Removing /system/boot/
Factory Reset: Removing /system/boot/
Factory Reset: Removing /system/boot/
Factory Reset: Formatting
Factory Reset: Extracting Factory TOS
Factory Reset: Overwriting ini files
Removing /system/boot/license.pkg
Factory Reset: Installing DV /ramTmp/tmp/SIG_2.5.2_7838.pkg
Factory Reset: Finished resetting to to Factory TOS.
Booting XLR from Flash
=======> Starting spd <=========================================================================================
TippingPoint Technologies, Build: 53.0
Compiled on Mon Mar 19 15:38:46 MST 2012 by builder@TPBuild1.austin.hp.com================================================================================
----- Configuring DRAM Channel 0 -----
Memory channel operating at 666 MHz data rate.
Amount of memory available on channel 0: 4096 MB----- Configuring DRAM Channel 2 -----
Amount of memory available on channel 2: 0 MB
Please wait for ECC setup.Enter "TEST" to run Memory Test.Booting from DRAM
Detected CPU Rev B2 [Revision ID 0x4]
Detected CPU XLR308 [CPU ID 0x6]
CPU Frequency = 1000.000000MHz
Total Available Ram = 0x3f00000, Total Heap Size = 0x3d87400, stackbase = 0x8c1fdfc0
All 8 cpus successfully started
HSCFC Image: 0x2C
HSCFC Product Version: 0x0
Boot: Hardware watchdog has not triggered.
Boot: ACTIVE is selected.
Initializing disk controllers...
Found SYSTEMF_1 disk
Firmware: 20091110 Serial#: 20101220055A408B408B
Capacity: 1953.9 MB = 1.9 GB (4001760 x 512)** Communication error **
Locking down commands
ZFCP Version:4
ZFCP Misc Status/Control Register: 0x88Booting in 5 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 4 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 3 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 2 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 1 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...
Inflating image:.....................................CompletePrepared Segment Map for Kseg0 Mode.
Is Segment Shared ==> 1
P_Vaddr 0x80300000, P_paddr 0x80300000, MemSz 0x1500000, FileSz 0xea0bc4, Align 0x1000
xlr_lib_copy_image_32 i=0
cpu_online_map=ff, userapp_cpu_map ff
psb_os_active_mask=0, psb_os_mask=0
boot1_info: userapp_cpu_map=ff, psb_os_cpu_map=0
cpu_online_map = 0xff
Jumping to the application... 0x80300000
ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 0 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 1 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 2 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 3 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 4 Initializing PCIPCI - MEM=0xd0000000 size=256MB HT - MEM=0x0 size=0MB
PCI - IO=0x10000000 size=64MB HT - IO=0x0 size=0MB
PCI - CFG=0x18000000 HT - CFG=0x0
Configure tlb virtaddr=0xffffffffd0000000 size:=0x8000000
End bus: PCI=255 HT=0
Target Name: vxTarget
Initializing MIB2 interfaces
Initializing MIB2 IPv6 interfaces
Attaching interface lo0... done
xlrMacInit for mac device 0
board_type = 0xffffffff
GMAC0 phy addr is 0x15
pde bucket_map = 10
pde bucket_map = 10
Bucket[0] = 4
xlrMacInit for mac device 1
board_type = 0xffffffff
pde bucket_map = 10
xlrMacInit for mac device 2
board_type = 0xffffffff
pde bucket_map = 10
Attached IPv4 interface to xlr unit 0
Attached IPv6 interface to xlr unit 0
devName: xlr, addr:
net.inet.udp.blackhole: 0 -> 1
net.inet.tcp.blackhole: 0 -> 1Adding 33783 symbols for standalone.
CPU: Raza Microelectronics Inc.XLR308: 2 cores, 8 vCPUs: Processor #0.Processor #0.
Memory Size: 0xbd00000.BSP version 2.0/5.
Created: Nov 23 2009, 16:34:24
ED&R Policy Mode: deployed
xlrNetAttach interfaces for XLRA/XLRB
Attached IPv4 interface to xlr unit 1
Attached IPv4 interface to xlr unit 2-> Initialize Memory.......................[OK]
Add reboot hooks........................[OK]
Start CPU Resource Monitoring...........[OK]
Initialize System Clock.................[OK] 2021-08-19 01:53:31 [UTC]
Set Boot Time...........................[OK]
CPU Speed...............................[OK] 999 MHz
Identify Host Type......................[OK] Z1M
Identify HW.............................[OK] 5 bcom
ataXbdDevCreate: ERROR- Device 0 on Controller 0 not installed
ataDevCreateError [xbd=0][errno=0]
Warning: unable to mount disk /user
Initialize LCD Panel....................[OK]
Mount File System.......................[OK]
Mount Removable File System.............[OK]
Initialize IPC..........................[OK]
Initialize Paths........................[OK]
Read Configuration Files................[OK]
Apply Task Environment..................[OK]
Apply LCD Environment...................[OK]
Create /ramLog..........................Formatting /ramLog for DOSFS
Create /ramTmp..........................Formatting /ramTmp for DOSFS
Initialize System Log...................[OK]
Initialize Audit log....................[OK]
Initialize License Manager..............[OK]
Initialize Update subsystem.............[OK]
Create /ramRO...........................Formatting /ramRO for DOSFS
Load RAM Disk...........................[OK]
Set Memory Protection...................[OK] 0x598a3070
Performing Host/Model Checks............[OK] Software chassis
Initialize Board Flash..................[OK]
Locking down bootloader commands
Bootloader lock already set
Initialize Network Processor............[OK]
HW Descriptor...........................[OK] 78:ac:c0:ef:7a:e4
Read TOS metadata.......................[OK] ver=
Read DV metadata........................[OK] ver=
Bootloader version check................................
Re-Flashing the device.DO NOT Power cycle until this process is complete!
The updated image is enabled. enable = 0xffff
Autoflash FPGAs: BOOTLOADER /system/opt/fpga/zorro_flash_41.tpt programming successful
Initialize Block Log....................[OK]
Initialize Alert Log....................[OK]
Configure Mgmt Port.....................[OK]
Initialize SNMP.........................[OK]
Initialize Email........................[OK]
Initialize Remote Syslog................[OK]
Validating Certificate..................[OK]_____ ____ _
|_ _|_ _ ___ ___ _ __ __ _|_ ____ _ __ | |_
| | | | "_ | "_ | | "_ / _` | |_) / _ | | "_ | __|
| | | | |_) | |_) | | | | | (_| |__/ (_) | | | | | |_
|_| |_| .__/| .__/|_|_| |_|__, |_| ___/|_|_| |_|__|
|_| |_||___/Technologies, Inc.TippingPoint - Austin, Texas, USA - www.tippingpoint.com
TOS Version : Nov 23 2009, 16:34:24
Digital Vaccine : : 1400N-50R1-6035
Hardware Rev: A.
Autoflash FPGAs: completed, rebooting...Achieved RunLevel 0
・***********************************Booting XLR from Flash
=======> Starting spd <=========================================================================================
TippingPoint Technologies, Build: 41
Compiled on Wed Oct 14 13:41:14 CDT 2009 by builder@swbuild2.tippingpoint.com
URL: svn+ssh://svn@aussvn/swteam/zorro/trunk/vendor
Revision: 18329
================================================================================----- Configuring DRAM Channel 0 -----
Memory channel operating at 666 MHz data rate.
Amount of memory available on channel 0: 4096 MB----- Configuring DRAM Channel 2 -----
Amount of memory available on channel 2: 0 MB
Please wait for ECC setup.Enter "TEST" to run Memory Test.Booting from DRAM
Detected CPU Rev B2 [Revision ID 0x4]
Detected CPU XLR308 [CPU ID 0x6]
CPU Frequency = 1000.000000MHz
Total Available Ram = 0x3f00000, Total Heap Size = 0x3d8b400, stackbase = 0x8c1f9fc0
All 8 cpus successfully started
HSCFC Version: 44
HSCFC Minor Version: 0
Boot: Hardware watchdog has not triggered.
Boot: ACTIVE is selected.
Initializing disk controllers...
Found SYSTEMF_1 disk
Firmware: 20091110 Serial#: 20101220055A408B408B
Capacity: 1953.9 MB = 1.9 GB (4001760 x 512)** Communication error **
Locking down commands
ZFCP Version:4
ZFCP Misc Status/Control Register: 0x8aBooting in 5 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 4 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 3 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 2 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...Booting in 1 units. Press Ctrl-C to halt...
Inflating image:.....................................Complete
Jumping to the application... 0x80300000
ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 0 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 1 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 2 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 3 ataCtrlReset taskDelayataCtrlReset taskDelay 4 Initializing PCIPCI - MEM=0xd0000000 size=256MB HT - MEM=0x0 size=0MB
PCI - IO=0x10000000 size=64MB HT - IO=0x0 size=0MB
PCI - CFG=0x18000000 HT - CFG=0x0
Configure tlb virtaddr=0xffffffffd0000000 size:=0x8000000
End bus: PCI=255 HT=0
Target Name: vxTarget
Initializing MIB2 interfaces
Initializing MIB2 IPv6 interfaces
Attaching interface lo0... done
xlrMacInit for mac device 0
board_type = 0xffffffff
GMAC0 phy addr is 0x15
pde bucket_map = 10
pde bucket_map = 10
Bucket[0] = 4
xlrMacInit for mac device 1
board_type = 0xffffffff
pde bucket_map = 10
xlrMacInit for mac device 2
board_type = 0xffffffff
pde bucket_map = 10
Attached IPv4 interface to xlr unit 0
Attached IPv6 interface to xlr unit 0
devName: xlr, addr:
net.inet.udp.blackhole: 0 -> 1
net.inet.tcp.blackhole: 0 -> 1Adding 33783 symbols for standalone.
CPU: Raza Microelectronics Inc.XLR308: 2 cores, 8 vCPUs: Processor #0.Processor #0.
Memory Size: 0xbd00000.BSP version 2.0/5.
Created: Nov 23 2009, 16:34:24
ED&R Policy Mode: deployed
xlrNetAttach interfaces for XLRA/XLRB
Attached IPv4 interface to xlr unit 1
Attached IPv4 interface to xlr unit 2-> Initialize Memory.......................[OK]
Add reboot hooks........................[OK]
Start CPU Resource Monitoring...........[OK]
Initialize System Clock.................[OK] 2021-08-19 01:56:21 [UTC]
Set Boot Time...........................[OK]
CPU Speed...............................[OK] 999 MHz
Identify Host Type......................[OK] Z1M
Identify HW.............................[OK] 5 bcom
ataXbdDevCreate: ERROR- Device 0 on Controller 0 not installed
ataDevCreateError [xbd=0][errno=0]
Warning: unable to mount disk /user
Initialize LCD Panel....................[OK]
Mount File System.......................[OK]
Mount Removable File System.............[OK]
Initialize IPC..........................[OK]
Initialize Paths........................[OK]
Read Configuration Files................[OK]
Apply Task Environment..................[OK]
Apply LCD Environment...................[OK]
Create /ramLog..........................Formatting /ramLog for DOSFS
Create /ramTmp..........................Formatting /ramTmp for DOSFS
Initialize System Log...................[OK]
Initialize Audit log....................[OK]
Initialize License Manager..............[OK]
Initialize Update subsystem.............[OK]
Create /ramRO...........................Formatting /ramRO for DOSFS
Load RAM Disk...........................[OK]
Set Memory Protection...................[OK] 0x598a3070
Performing Host/Model Checks............[OK] Software chassis
Initialize Board Flash..................[OK]
Locking down bootloader commands
Bootloader lock already set
Initialize Network Processor............[OK]
HW Descriptor...........................[OK] 78:ac:c0:ef:7a:e4
Read TOS metadata.......................[OK] ver=
Read DV metadata........................[OK] ver=
Bootloader version check................[OK]
Initialize Block Log....................[OK]
Initialize Alert Log....................[OK]
Configure Mgmt Port.....................[OK]
Initialize SNMP.........................[OK]
Initialize Email........................[OK]
Initialize Remote Syslog................[OK]
Validating Certificate..................[OK]_____ ____ _
|_ _|_ _ ___ ___ _ __ __ _|_ ____ _ __ | |_
| | | | "_ | "_ | | "_ / _` | |_) / _ | | "_ | __|
| | | | |_) | |_) | | | | | (_| |__/ (_) | | | | | |_
|_| |_| .__/| .__/|_|_| |_|__, |_| ___/|_|_| |_|__|
|_| |_||___/Technologies, Inc.TippingPoint - Austin, Texas, USA - www.tippingpoint.com
TOS Version : Nov 23 2009, 16:34:24
Digital Vaccine : : 1400N-50R1-6035
Hardware Rev: AWelcome to the TippingPoint Technologies Initial Setup wizard.
Press any key to begin the Initial Setup Wizard or use the LCD panel.
ご了承の上ご入札下さい。付属品 無し
本体のみの発送になります送料 発送方法:
こちら商品は C サイズとなります。
※※離島の場合、着払いでの発送となります。注意事項 落札後、Yahooからの自動メールに落札商品情報のリンクが張られております。
記載内容を確認し、 オーダーフォームから情報入力送信をお願いします。※メールや連絡掲示板でご質問の無い限り 弊社からの連絡は
15時以降・営業時間外にご入金の場合 ご入金の確認メールは翌営業日になります。
平日AM10:00~PM17:00 土、日、祝日は休業させていただいております。注意事項
お支払い方法 | |
PayPay銀行 ビジネス営業部(005)(普)1779933 カ)キヨシショウジ |
送料 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
通常佐川急便 での発送、沖縄・離島は日本郵便での発送となります。 |
同梱包について | |
同梱包は基本2点までとさせていただきます。 |
ご入金から発送まで | |
13時までにご入金が確認できた場合は当日発送に努めてまいりますが当日の作業状況により13時までにご入金を頂いた場合でも当日発送出来ない場合が御座います予めご了承ください。 |
領収書について | |
オーダーフォームにて宛名・品名をお申し付けください。 |
評価について | |
評価につきましては定期的に一括評価を行いますので、暫くお待ち下さいませ。 |
初期不良・返品について | |
動作品の保証は商品到着後七日間以内となります。 |
その他 | |
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◎ HP TippingPoint 1400N 初期化済-
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