■1974年 国内盤 BETTY DAVIS / THEY SAY I’M DIFFERENT 12”LP オリジナル ECPO-49 Epic
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●偉大なジャズトランペッターMiles Davisの奥さんだった事でも知られるファンクシンガーBetty Davisのセカンドアルバム。 ●イントロのブレイクがいかにもサンプリングに向きそうなA3「Your Mama Wants Ya Back」やハイテンションなB1「Git It There」など、コシのあるファンクトラックとBettyの強烈なインパクトのヴォーカルが絡み合う好トラックが満載のファンク名盤!
●アーティスト:BETTY DAVIS ●タイトル: THEY SAY I’M DIFFERENT ●発売年:1974年 ●レーベル:Epic ●品番:ECPO-49
●レコードコンディション / 盤質Condition of media:NM ●レコードコンディション / ジャケットCondition of cover:NM
レコードコンディション / 盤質Condition of media
S / Still Seald:シールド(未開封)/ Never opened. Flawless, with no damage whatsoever M / Mint:ミント(新品同様)/ Has been opened, but is still flawless with no damage whatsoever. NM / Never Mint:多少汚れがあるがノイズなどはない / Has been opened, but is still flawless with slightly damage whatsoever. EX / Excellent:見た目に多少擦り切ずは有るがプレイにはほとんど問題なし / With some flaw, but without noise. EX- / Excellent-:細かいノイズが入る可能性あり / Possibly with a little noise. VG / Very Good:キズ、ノイズはあるが針飛びはなし / With some flaw and noise, but without jumpiness.
レコードコンディション / ジャケットCondition of cover
S / Still Seald:シールド(未開封)/ Never opened. Flawless, with no damage whatsoever M / Mint:ミント(新品同様)/ Has been opened, but is still flawless with no damage whatsoever. NM / Never Mint:ごく僅かなスレは見られるが、ほとんど痛みがない / Has been opened, but is still flawless with slightly damage whatsoever. EX / Excellent:少しスレがあり、軽い痛みがみられる / With a few flaws. EX- / Excellent-:軽い割れや軽いスレがある / With a few flaws and rips. VG / Very Good:底抜け、割れが大きかったり傷みが随所の見られる / With some flaws and large rips,
●落札後24時間以内にご連絡、2日以内に支払い手続きをお願いいたします。 ●24時間以内ご連絡が無く、2日以内に支払い手続きをいただけなかった場合にはその時点で落札者の都合でキャンセルとさせていただきますのでご了承下さい。
●終了後、迅速に対応させていただきますのでよろしくお願いいたします。6860円■1974年 国内盤 BETTY DAVIS / THEY SAY I’M DIFFERENT 12”LP オリジナル ECPO-49 Epic音楽レコードBetty Davis They Say IM Different Epic ECPO-49 "https://portal-records.com/cdn/shop/products/57_6331a476-6ec2-4312-8bef-b04557deab5c.jpg","https://i.discogs.com/m1vfQLn1krMrbz1ZglJIQrFqI0wqpo91srbcXq5-BAs/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:597/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTUxMDYy/ODYtMTU5MzM2NjM4/OC0xNDAzLmpwZWc.jpeg","https://portal-records.com/cdn/shop/products/57_52289624-cc8c-4a38-9630-fda800cc3bf5.jpg","https://portal-records.com/cdn/shop/products/57_82612884-5ee9-4844-8b6a-9ce791c32dd5.jpg","https://portal-records.com/cdn/shop/products/57_7d3af87e-3490-4e32-997b-230e0cfe1d73.jpg"Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2007, CD) - Discogs
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2007, CD) - Discogs
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (Archival Series Vol.2) – Clear
Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different (1974)
Betty Davis – They Say I’m Different (Archival Series Vol.2) – Clear Orange NEW
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Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2002, Vinyl) - Discogs
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis – Betty Davis (1974, Vinyl) - Discogs
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
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BETTY DAVIS / They Say I'm Different (LP) / Just Sunshine
NASTY GAL / BETTY DAVIS 悦楽の女王 ベティ・デイビス 商品细节
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (Archival Series Vol.2) – Clear
BETTY DAVIS / They Say I'm Different (LP) / Just Sunshine
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis – Betty Davis (1974, Vinyl) - Discogs
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Betty Davis: They Say I'm Different (remastered) (Clear Orange
最高 シングルまとめて/7 7インチ200枚以上セット JAZZ FUNK 【US
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Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different | Releases | Discogs
BETTY DAVIS / They Say I'm Different (LP) / Just Sunshine
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Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different | Releases | Discogs
Betty Davis / They Say I'm Different(LP) / Just Sunshine 1974 | VG
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis / They Say I'm Different(LP) / Just Sunshine 1974 | VG
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Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different | Releases | Discogs
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Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2007, CD) - Discogs
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2007, CD) - Discogs
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2002, Vinyl) - Discogs
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2007, CD) - Discogs
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2007, CD) - Discogs
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (Archival Series Vol.2) – Clear
Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different (1974)
Betty Davis – They Say I’m Different (Archival Series Vol.2) – Clear Orange NEW
2023年最新】ヤフオク! -betty davis(R&B、ソウル)の中古品・新品・未
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2002, Vinyl) - Discogs
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis – Betty Davis (1974, Vinyl) - Discogs
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -betty davisの中古品・新品・未使用
BETTY DAVIS / They Say I'm Different (LP) / Just Sunshine
NASTY GAL / BETTY DAVIS 悦楽の女王 ベティ・デイビス 商品细节
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (Archival Series Vol.2) – Clear
BETTY DAVIS / They Say I'm Different (LP) / Just Sunshine
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis – Betty Davis (1974, Vinyl) - Discogs
2023年最新】ヤフオク! -betty davis betty davis(音楽)の中古品・新品
Betty Davis: They Say I'm Different (remastered) (Clear Orange
最高 シングルまとめて/7 7インチ200枚以上セット JAZZ FUNK 【US
2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -betty davis(音楽)の中古品・新品
Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different | Releases | Discogs
BETTY DAVIS / They Say I'm Different (LP) / Just Sunshine
2023年最新】ヤフオク! -betty davis(R&B、ソウル)の中古品・新品・未
Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different | Releases | Discogs
Betty Davis / They Say I'm Different(LP) / Just Sunshine 1974 | VG
Betty Davis They Say I'M Different Epic ECPO-49
Betty Davis / They Say I'm Different(LP) / Just Sunshine 1974 | VG
2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -betty davis lpの中古品・新品・未
Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different | Releases | Discogs
2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -betty davis(レコード)の中古品
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2007, CD) - Discogs
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2007, CD) - Discogs
Betty Davis – They Say I'm Different (2002, Vinyl) - Discogs