ALF Born To Rock Plush Hand Puppet Alien Burger King Toy 11 Vintage 1988 海外 即決
商品名 ALF Born To Rock Plush Hand Puppet Alien Burger King Toy 11" Vintage 1988
(ALF Born To Rock Plush Hand Puppet Alien Burger King Toy 11" Vintage 1988)
商品画像一覧 商品説明 ※アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたしております。 This vintage 1988 ALF Born To Rock plush hand puppet is a must-have for any fan of the TV show. With its interactive and limited/special edition features, this unisex toy is suitable for fans of all ages (3+) and is made from high-quality polyester fiber. The 11" hand puppet depicts the lovable alien character perfectly, and its brown color adds to its authenticity. This item is a Burger King promo product from Alien Productions, and it comes from China. The toy is in great shape and ready to be enjoyed by its new owner. Good used condition
5680円ALF Born To Rock Plush Hand Puppet Alien Burger King Toy 11 Vintage 1988 海外 即決その他スキル、知識Vintage Alf Hand Puppet 11” “Born to Rock” 1988 Burger King Stuff Plush Toy.
落札時の注意事項/良くあるご質問 【お支払いについて】
商品情報を十分にご確認いただいたうえで、商品を落札いただけますようお願いいたします。Vintage 1988 ALF Born To Rock Hand Puppet Plush Alien Toy Burger King Promo 11
Vintage 1988 ALF Born To Rock Hand Puppet Plush Alien Toy Burger King Promo 11
Vintage 1988 ALF Born To Rock Hand Puppet Plush Alien Toy Burger King Promo 11
Vintage Alf Hand Puppet 11” “Born to Rock” 1988 Burger King Stuff Plush Toy.
Vintage Alf Hand Puppet 11” “Born to Rock” 1988 Burger King Stuff Plush Toy.
Vintage 1988 ALF Born To Rock Hand Puppet Plush Alien Toy Burger King Promo 11
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Vintage Alf Hand Puppet 11” “Born to Rock” 1988 Burger King Stuff Plush Toy.
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Vintage Alf Hand Puppet 11” “Born to Rock” 1988 Burger King Stuff Plush Toy.
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Vintage Alf Hand Puppet 11” “Born to Rock” 1988 Burger King Stuff Plush Toy.
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Vintage Alf Hand Puppet 11” “Born to Rock” 1988 Burger King Stuff Plush Toy.
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Vintage Alf Hand Puppet 11” “Born to Rock” 1988 Burger King Stuff Plush Toy.
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Vintage 1988 ALF Born To Rock Hand Puppet Plush Alien Toy Burger King Promo 11
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